Please Let Me Know the Best Day/time for Me to Contact You to Discuss Telephonic Interview

Rescheduling MeetingsThis is a lesson program for practicing canceling and rescheduling meetings. First, read the fundamental phrases and tips. Exercise maxim them aloud.

And so, read the two dialogs and determine which i is improve.

Next, practice on your own with the situations listed.

Finally, talk over your answers to the questions with a friend, teacher, or with the MyOvient community by writing a comment.

business englishKEY PHRASES

Stride One: APOLOGIZE AND Explain WHY Y'all ARE MISSING THE Coming together

    I am very deplorable, but I am running late. I hope to exist there in near thirty minutes.
    I'grand afraid I will non brand it to our meeting due to a problem that just came up at work.
    Unfortunately, an issue just came upwards at work, and I cannot make it to our meeting this afternoon.
    I repent for the inconvenience, just I am not going to be able to get in to the coming together tomorrow.
    Due to (problem), I will not be able to get in to the meeting.
    I need to reschedule our meeting considering (problem).
    I volition need to postpone our meeting. (Explain problem.)

Step TWO: Give AN Culling DATE/TIME:

    Could we see tomorrow at the same time?
    Are y'all bachelor on Friday at 2 PM?
    Next week is completely open up for me. Delight let me know the best time for you.

meeting tips communication snacks

business englishTIPS

canceling a meetingIf you are going to be late to a coming together, you should send an email, text, or phone call to let the others know when you'll arrive. If you have to get out a message, you should, simply it'due south a proficient idea to endeavor to talk to someone who tin laissez passer forth your message. (This could be an administrative banana or someone else attending the meeting.)

You practice not have to tell the other person why you are going to be belatedly, just it will aid if you say that it is out of your control. If information technology is your fault, apologize and tell them you volition exist in that location soon. If you need to reschedule the meeting, tell the other person why you need to reschedule and offer another date and time.

If your reason for canceling is personal, you lot don't take to explain the details. For example, yous can say, "I have a family conflict, and I need to reschedule the coming together."

business englishDIALOGS

Which dialog is better? Why?

Dialog 1

Ashley: Sue! It'south Ashley. I'm stuck in traffic. I was on the highway and there'southward a huge wreck. I tried to get out at Wolfe, but the get out is blocked. I'm going to try some other road. It is raining very hard and I don't know what to do.

Sue: Okay, Ashley, at-home down. Just drive slowly and be careful.

Ashley: Okay, I will. I don't recall I'one thousand going to make it to the meeting on time.

Sue: That's okay. What would y'all similar to do?

Ashley: I guess you can hold it without me and talk almost the things I was going to talk over.

Sue: Well, I don't know if I'm very comfortable covering your topics because I don't know them very well.

Ashley: What else tin I practise?

Sue: Did you talk to Eric?

Ashley: I couldn't get hold of him.

Sue: Did you ask to speak to his admin?

Ashley: No, I'll try that. I'll call y'all back.

Dialog 2

Ashley: Hello, Sue. This is Ashley. Unfortunately, there has been a wreck on the interstate due to the weather, and I am stuck in traffic.

Sue: OK. Thanks for calling. We were merely virtually to caput into the conference room for the coming together.

Ashley: I'yard glad I defenseless you and so. I'm afraid it looks similar I won't be able to make information technology to the coming together. Do you think we can postpone information technology for about an hr?

Sue: I don't have a trouble with that but did you speak to Eric? I know he really wants to nowadays his piece of work today.

Ashley: I left a message on his voicemail. Sue, would yous mind letting Eric know the situation? If he would like to hold the meeting without me, I completely sympathise. Otherwise, I should brand information technology to the role in most 30 minutes and would be happy to see then.

Sue: Sure. Allow me talk to him and I volition phone call you right back.

Ashley: Thank yous, Sue. I really appreciate your help, and I apologize for the inconvenience.

business englishPRACTICE

If you have a teacher or study partner, exercise these activities and ask for feedback.

State of affairs A: Pretend that there is bad weather and the roads from your house are flooded. You lot will not make it on fourth dimension to a meeting and yous to need to call and reschedule the meeting. What would y'all say. Practice saying it.

SITUATION B: Your are scheduled to attend a meeting at nine:00 am with Eric and Sue. Information technology is 8:45 and considering of a bad blow on the highway, you are running very tardily and volition not brand it on fourth dimension. Yous attempt to call Eric's jail cell phone to let him know you will be late, but he doesn't reply. What would you say on his voicemail. Practice saying it.

SITUATION C: You double-booked appointments for eight:00 am with your attorney and your auditor. Your auditor charges a fee for cancellations, so you needs to contact your attorney to reschedule. Write an electronic mail that y'all would ship to your attorney, asking to reschedule.

Situation D: Y'all have a dejeuner meeting at 12:00 pm with a customer, merely you have a very bad toothache and are going to see a dentist at 11:30 am. You need to call your customer and ask him to motion the coming together to a different time. What would yous say? Practice maxim it.

MyOvient Members: Write your opinions of these 2 dialogs in the comments below.

business englishDISCUSSION

If you take a tutor or study partner, discuss your opinions to these questions.

  • Accept you ever been late to a meeting due to bad atmospheric condition or traffic?
  • Practise you think you should call (or text) someone if you lot are only going to be v minutes late?
  • What do you think are good reasons to cancel a meeting?
  • How do you feel when other people cancel a meeting on you?

MyOvient members: write your answers to these questions in the comments section below. (To become a fellow member, click hither.)

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